I hate the fact that Lesnar is rarely ever on television while Universal Champion but i he signs a new contract, there are undeniably a number of interesting matches available for Brock in the WWE. In this article I’m looking at 5 Superstars Brock could have interesting matches with if he does decide to stay.

Who do you guys think should face Brock next? Sound off in the comments below.

#6 Seth Rollins

Brock Lesnar has already faced Seth Rollins before but in my opinion, the match at Battleground 2015 was a shadow of what it should have been. Seth was a heel at that time and because of his cowardly heel persona, barely got any offense in. Not to mention the fact that the Undertaker attacked Brock Lesnar to end the match in DQ.

We all know how good Seth Rollins is and a match against Lesnar where he is allowed to go out could be a memorable match. If WWE can build a feud around it, even better.

#5 Lars Sullivan

This is my most out of the box choice so far. Sullivan is still green but if Lesnar sticks around, a match between these two men would be very interesting. NXT is currently building up Lars Sullivan in a similar way to his former tag-team partner, Braun Strowman.

Sullivan’s looks like he’s chiseled out of stone and, is unbelievably athletic for a guy his size. Sounds familiar? Out of the men who can go toe-to-toe in physicality with Lesnar, Lars Sullivan is one of them.

#4 Finn Balor

Finn Balor is a fan favorite. The former Universal Champion never got to challenge Brock Lesnar for the Championship he never lost, but that doesn’t mean that he still can’t face Brock Lesnar if ‘The Beast signs a new contract.

What Balor lacks in size, he makes up with speed and precision. Balor could bump around for Lesnar and the two could potentially have a great match. Notwithstanding who wins, a match against Lesnar would further help cement Balor as a top star.

#3 Shinsuke Nakamura

Shinsuke Nakamura and Brock Lesnar faced off in 2006 for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship. Lesnar won on that occasion but both men have come a long way in the 12 years since.

Lesnar has fought in the UFC and won the UFC Championship before moving back to WWE as an almost unbeatable monster, who conquered the Undertaker’s streak. Nakamura traveled to Mexico and honed his craft before returning to Japan as flashy King of Strong Style, quickly becoming one of the top stars in the country and an international sensation.

He then moved to WWE and, won the NXT Championship before winning the 2018 Royal Rumble. Nakamura will face AJ Styles for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 34.

Their journeys have been different but a rematch between them is something we need to see.

#2 Bobby Lashley

Rumors of a potential WWE return for Bobby Lashley gain more steam every week. With Lashley on the verge of a return, a potential match against Brock Lesnar is an opportunity WWE can’t let slip.

What better way to reintroduce a big new signing than to have him face off against the man who broke the Undertaker’s streak?

If Brock does indeed stay, what if Bobby Lashley comes out after the WrestleMania main-event to rub more salt into the vanquished Beast’s (we all know Roman is winning, right?) to set up the feud. This may not work simply because it would take away from Roman’s big moment. A RAW after WrestleMania debut could work too.

#1 Pete Dunne

I’ll admit that this is a surprising choice but before you get the pitchforks out, let me explain.

In my opinion, Pete Dunne is a once in a lifetime talent. The way he slowly but methodically breaks down his opponent one body part at a time is a thing of beauty. If anyone can break down The Beast and bring him to his knees, it’s Dunne.

What Dunne lacks in size, he makes up in sheer toughness and technical ability. If it comes to a fight with Brock Lesnar, the Bruiserweight won’t back down.

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