Many reactions have just 2 reactants, but you can have combination reactions with more than 2 reactants.

An example of a reaction resulting in 2 products: CO2 + H2O –> C6H12O6 + O2

Example 1: Cu + SO4 –> CuSO4 Example 2: CaO + CO2 –> CaCO3

The reactant is on the left side of the arrow.

This reaction is the opposite of a combination reaction.

Example 1: 2H2O → 2H2 + O2 Example 2: KClO3 –> KCl + O2

In a single replacement reaction either the anion (negatively charged ion) or the cation (positively charged ion) is replaced. For example: Cu + AgNO3 –> Ag + Cu(NO3)2. In this example, copper (Cu) replaces the cation silver (Ag).

For example: ZnS + O2 –> ZnO + S

Example 1: Fe + CuSO4 → FeSO4 + Cu. Iron replaces the copper element in the compound. Example 2: Fe + HCl –> FeCl3 + H2. Iron replaces the hydrogen. Example 3: CaO + Al –> Al2O3 + Ca. Aluminum replaces the calcium.

These reactions are usually between acids and bases or metallic aqueous compounds. For example: KOH + H2SO4 –> K2SO4 + H2O.

For example: FeS + HCl –> FeCl2 + H2S. The outside elements, Fe and Cl, combine to form FeCl2. The inside elements, S and H, switch positions and combine to form H2S.

Example 1: NaCl + AgNO3 → NaNO3 + AgCl Example 2: H2SO4 + 2NaOH→ Na2SO4 + 2H2O

The generic equation for a combustion reaction is: CxHy + O2 –> CO2 + H2O.

For example: C2H5SH + O2 –> CO2 + H2O + SO2. O2 is reacting with a carbon-hydrogen compound so this reaction is probably a combustion reaction.

For example: C2H5SH + O2 –> CO2 + H2O + SO2. Because CO2 and H2O are both products, this reaction is an example of combustion.

Example 1: CH4 + 2O2 –> CO2 + 2H2O Example 2: C2H5OH + 3O2 –> 2CO2 + 3H2O

Take proper safety precautions when working with heat, such as wearing gloves and using eye protection. The thermite reaction is a single-replacement reaction between iron (III) oxide and aluminum:[18] X Research source 3Fe302 + 4Al → 2Al203 + 6Fe

Sodium chloride is the white powder formed when molten sodium burns in chlorine gas.

An example of a decomposition reaction is mercury (II) oxide decomposing into mercury metal and oxygen gas in the presence of heat: 2 HgO (s) + heat → 2 Hg (l) + O2 (g)

Some examples of combustion reactions are: hydrogen with oxygen, phosphorus with oxygen, and magnesium with oxygen.