A lot of posts we see on social networks display only the most exciting parts of people’s lives and not the mundane. If you have FOMO (a fear of missing out), there are ways to prevent it by following some of these steps.

What Is FOMO?

The “fear of missing out” on something that others are doing, is an emotional response that some people get when they view social media posts. It is a feeling of dissatisfaction, missed opportunities, and even stress. FOMO causes anxiety because people start to feel like other people’s lives are somehow better or more interesting.

With the increased use of social media, especially among millennials, compulsive checking is becoming more common. Seeing posts containing people “living their best life” or over-glamorized shots of influencers and celebrities, it’s no wonder that FOMO has become a thing.

It’s not just seeing people’s posts and feeling envious of what they’re doing that causes FOMO. Companies promoting themselves and their brands are utilizing strategies to enhance FOMO in customers. They do things like show people using their products and benefiting from the experience.

Companies and influencers are known to create a sense of competition so that customers start to feel like they have to get on board too. In some cases they show countdowns on sales to create a sense of urgency. While FOMO gets products sold, it also makes people anxious and stressed if they “miss out” on whatever they are supposed to have.

How to Get Rid of FOMO When on Social Media

Here are some tips on what to do when the fear of missing out creeps up and you want to get rid of it.

1. Assess Why You Have FOMO

If you are getting influenced by what you see on social media, and you find yourself feeling like you are missing out, then you should think about what it is exactly that is making you feel this way. Are you missing something? Or are you afraid to take a leap in your life?

Maybe you are uncertain about your life direction or are seeking out new opportunities but haven’t quite taken the next step. All of these things could be contributing to FOMO, and by figuring out what is causing it, you are on the path to resolving it.

2. Combat FOMO by Taking a Break

It may seem like an obvious thing to do, but reaping the benefits of taking a break from social media will allow you to stop getting exposed to the very things that are making you feel like you’re missing out.

There are signs of unhealthy social media usage, so if you feel like what you are seeing is not making you feel great, it may be time to cut the cord. Getting yourself off and away from social media could drastically improve your quality of life and prevent FOMO.

3. Make Your Own Plans

Rather than only interacting with people online and becoming influenced by what you see, it is sometimes healthier to seek out face-to-face connections. Getting out there, making plans, and seeing friends could get you into a positive state of mind, which will ultimately stop you from focusing on what is happening on social media.

4. Don’t Focus on What’s Missing

It’s easy to get distracted by everything you see online. From people posting their extravagant holidays, births, anniversaries, wedding plans, job promotions, and more, it is no wonder that you would start to assess what is missing in your life.

By focusing on what you don’t have, you will likely end up feeling down. Instead, take note of what you do have and how good it is. You may decide to keep a gratitude journal in case you are tempted to compare your life to others. There are so many ways to shift the focus so that you don’t end up feeling like your life is not good enough.

5. Don’t Believe Everything You See

It’s hard not to get sucked into and soaked up in what we see on social media. But, it’s important to take things, as they say, “with a grain of salt”. It just means that you shouldn’t interpret everything you see literally and that you shouldn’t be misled by taking things at face value.

For example, if someone is posting themselves enjoying their new van and traveling the world in it, you are most definitely only seeing one side of their life. You have no idea of the challenges they are facing with life on the road, or if they are even having as great a time as they say.

6. Track Your Time on Social Media

By tracking your time on social media, you will get control over how you are spending your time. If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling or wasting time going through people’s posts, it may be time to garner the help of software and apps that help you stay more motivated and productive in your day.

For example, if you’re absorbed in scrolling, there is a way to limit your TikTok screen time. There are also ways to limit the time you spend on Instagram. From browser extensions to customizable time limiters, there is software available for you to block online distractions and stay focused, especially if you are working from home.

FOMO Is a Product of Social Media

It’s important to understand that FOMO wouldn’t be around as much if we didn’t have access to so many social networks where people are fueling these feelings. You wouldn’t feel as urgent a need to travel if you weren’t constantly exposed to everyone else doing it. But you can quell the feeling by taking time out, making your own plans, and limiting your time on social platforms.