If you are unsure where the top and bottom of the grapefruit are, find the two dots, or navels, on the grapefruit at opposite ends. These are the top and bottom of the grapefruit. Think of these dots as the “poles” of the grapefruit, like the poles of the earth. Turn the grapefruit on its side and cut where the equator line would be, through the center of the grapefruit.

This is fairly work-intensive, and you will probably lose a little bit of the fruit as you are cutting out the membrane. Many like doing this because by the end you will be able to easily eat the inside of the grapefruit and won’t have to concentrate on scooping out each section.

You won’t be able to peel this off all at once. Instead, peel it off in little strips or use a knife.

Because the membrane is slightly bitter and tough, some prefer to prepare grapefruit in a way that removes the membrane from the fruit.

Be very careful that your fingers don’t get in the way of the knife.

If you are not preparing any beverages, you can also simply put grapefruit cut in this way on a plate to eat.

You may need to use multiple grapefruits to get the amount of juice you want.

You can also add half a teaspoon of butter if you want a richer flavor.