For instance, you could have symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, cough, and itchy eyes, nose, and throat. If you do find visible mold in your home and you’re feeling sick, the mold could be the cause.

If you have asthma and a mold allergy, you can experience wheezing and other airway symptoms.

Toxic mold can be caused by a variety of things, so you’ll need a professional to treat the existing mold and identify the sources so it won’t come back.

If you have asthma, you may be more susceptible to a severe reaction to toxic mold.

Use distilled, sterile, or previously boiled and cooled water. Make sure you rinse off and clean the irrigation device after each use and let it fully air dry.

Meditation doesn’t have to be super complicated. Just taking a few minutes to focus on your breathing and calm your mind can make a world of a difference. There are also a ton of meditation apps you can use to help guide your meditation, such as Headspace, Calm, Aura, and Sattva.

Symptoms of aspergillosis in your lungs include coughing with mucus or blood, wheezing, fever, and getting winded easily. Your doctor can run skin and blood tests, take cultures, and perform imaging tests (X-rays, CAT scan, etc. ) to test for aspergillosis.

Other sources of healthy fats include salmon, coconut oil, organic butter, and ghee (clarified butter). As a general rule of thumb, eat twice as many vegetables as you do fruits, and choose fruits with lower sugar content, such as berries. Nuts can be inflammatory as well, so don’t have more than ½ cup (75 grams) a day.

Toxic mold exposure can also cause other conditions such as bronchitis and pneumonia, which your doctor can treat with antibiotics and corticosteroids.