Pencil Thumbtack Hot glue gun or superglue Clothespin Rubber band

Your stock should be about two feet (60 cm) in length. You can find suitable wood for your stock from a sturdy tree branch, a hardware store, or a lumber yard. Spare handles for tools, frequently sold at hardware stores, are an excellent option to consider.

Clothespin (for release) Pencil Glue (wood glue, superglue, etc. ) Knife Rubber band

Mark your stock with a pencil or knife at the location you plan on attaching your clothespin. Use a glue, like wood glue, superglue, or hot glue, to attach your clothespin to your stock. Allow sufficient time for your glue to fully dry. Note: the farther back you put your clothespin, the more pressure your rubber band will exert on the pin. If you place your pin too far back, your clothespin might not be strong enough to hold your rubber band in place.

Hold your rubber band so that it is behind the teeth of your clothespin. Close your clothespin to trap the rubber band on the inside of the clothespin.

If the band slips free easily, you may want to use your cutting tool to cut your notch a little deeper. If your clothespin does not seem sturdy enough, you may want to apply some more glue or an additional fastener, like duct tape.

At maximum tension, the rubber band should fire about 15 to 20 yards (13. 7 to 18. 3 m).

Pencil/felt tip marker Woodworking saw (or a common saw) Jig saw (optional) Duct tape (or thin leather strip) Knife Rubber bands

A long, thin barrel A rectangular sight atop the beginning of the barrel. A stock. A trigger.

In the event you don’t have a jig saw, a normal saw or knife should be able to sufficiently notch the front of your barrel.

Look down the barrel of your gun with your dominant (most likely your right) eye. Align the top of your barrel where the notch is with the tip of your barrel as closely as you are able. Adjust your gun until you see your target directly above both your notch and tip of the barrel. Release your rubber band.

Pencil (or felt tipped marker) Saw Knife Rubber bands Nails (thin kind) Hammer

Pencil (or felt tipped marker) Saw Knife Rubber bands String Thumbtack

Yardstick/meter stick Rubber bands Paperclips