To keep your body steadily supplied with energy throughout a workout, get energy by eating several smaller meals throughout the day rather than one or two large meals. Snack on fruits, raw vegetables, nuts and other lean proteins between meals. Carry high-energy fruit and nut mixes with you during times of extended performance, such as hiking, cycling or cramming for final exams.

If you’re likely to drink more fluid if your drink is flavoured, consider using a sports drink like Gatorade, Powerade, etc. to dilute with water in a 7:1 ratio. Add just a splash of the sports drink to your water to add some flavor. These drinks have the added benefit of replacing your body’s electrolytes - important nutrients involved in muscle function that are lost when you sweat. [4] X Research source However, if you’re also trying to lose weight, note that these drinks can be calorie-dense. Use caffeinated energy drinks sparingly. They’re good for a short boost, but can hamper long-term stamina.

Cardiovascular exercise, such as aerobics, running, biking, and dancing, exercises your heart and lungs, increasing the efficiency with which your body supplies oxygen to its muscles. As a result, your body’s endurance and stamina will gradually increase (and its fatigue levels decrease) with cardiovascular exercise. Strength-building exercises, such as weightlifting and bodyweight exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, etc. ) gradually build the stamina (not to mention the size, definition, and strength) of your muscles. Over time, you’ll notice a definite difference - you’ll be able to lift bigger loads for longer.

For example, instead of sprinting hard for 5 minutes, you can go for a 15-20 minute jog.

Your exercise partners don’t have to be friends or peers. Bring the kids, the dog or a neighbour when you go for your daily exercise activity. You can also join a gym that offers to pair you with exercise buddies or enroll in exercise classes where you can make new friends that you know will have similar fitness goals to your own.

While everyone’s sleep needs are different, the National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults. [8] X Research source Getting less than 6 hours of sleep per night is generally considered unhealthy and has been linked to the health concerns listed above.

For cardiovascular exercise, start out slowly, mildly increasing your heart rate and maintaining that heart rate for no more than 30 minutes the first time. Increase the intensity and duration of your performance by small, realistic intervals until you reach your goal. Within a few months, you’ll likely have made serious improvement while barely noticing the change! For strength-building exercise, begin at a weight or resistance level that’s easily manageable. Add only a few small weights to your barbell or exercise machine. Alternatively, if you’re doing a bodyweight exercise, you can usually modify the exercise to make it easier in some way - dropping your legs to make a push up easier or doing a crunch instead of a sit-up, for instance. Gradually increase the weight, resistance, or intensity of your exercise to smoothly build strength over time.

Erectile Dysfunction. Men who have difficulty maintaining an erection may, when they do get one, rush to orgasm. Luckily, a variety of medications are available to treat ED. Make an appointment with your doctor - most ED medications are available only via prescription. Biological Causes. Hormone disorders, brain chemical imbalances, thyroid problems, and, rarely, nerve damage, can all make it difficult to have satisfying sex. In this case, because the root causes vary and are not immediately obvious, it’s best to receive evaluation from a doctor before proceeding with a treatment. Medicinal Causes. Certain medications can interfere with your libido, making long, satisfying sex difficult. In this case, you may want to discuss alternate treatment options with your doctor. Anxiety issues. Sex, particularly if you’re inexperienced, can be intimidating. Stress and nervousness can make it difficult to “get in the mood” or cause you to finish early. If this is the case, do what you can to calm yourself and remain stress-free before sex - realize that, for all the importance we place on it, sex doesn’t need to be nerve-wracking. If you can’t seem to calm you jitters, make an appointment with a counsellor or therapist. Relationship issues. Sometimes, unsatisfying sex can be the result of emotional problems or tensions between the two partners. In this case, it’s best to talk frankly and openly with your partner, though, if you think you need it, it’s also appropriate to contact a couples counsellor.

You don’t even have to focus on your literal goal - you can try thinking of other triumphant imagery. Close your eyes and let your mind wander - build a mental picture of yourself finishing a race with a burst of speed or getting an A on the final exam. Just don’t fall asleep! Avoid dwelling on the challenges, obstacles or hurdles you may face before reaching your goal, but be aware of them and work hard to overcome the hurdles and reach your goal. In school, keep your motivation high and build your stamina for studying prior to final exam week by hosting study sessions for friends all school year.

For instance, if you’re trying to learn guitar, but find it too difficult to concentrate on the repetitive early tasks of practicing basic chords and scales, try practicing every day, increasing the amount of time you practice daily by five minutes every week. For example, practice 30 minutes per day the first week, 35 the second, etc. In less than two months, you’ll be practicing an hour a day and you’ll be well on your way to gaining some serious fretboard skills.

Clear your schedule. Check your calendar for upcoming events that will interfere with your ability to devote yourself to your work - if you’ve got a serious schedule conflict, give up or reschedule the “fun” event in favor of your work.

Never use prescription stimulants (like Adderall, etc. ) as a work or study aid - these drugs can have powerful side effects and shouldn’t be used unless they’re prescribed by a doctor.

If you’re hesitant to talk to others because your problems are very personal, it even help simply to express your problems to yourself. Think about how you feel deep down at your core and write these feeling down in a journal or private notebook. After a short time, come back and read these thoughts - you may find that you’re surprised at what you wrote and that you’re now able to focus more clearly on overcoming your issues.