For example, if your initial Fahrenheit temperature is 74°F, just subtract 32 from 74. 74-32 = 42. [3] X Research source

For the example from step one, divide your result, 42, by 1. 8. 42/1. 8 = 23°C. Therefore, 74°F can be converted to 23°C. Note that 1. 8 is the equivalent of 9/5. If you don’t have a calculator or prefer working with fractions, you can divide your result from the first step by 9/5 instead of 1. 8.

Add 32 to 54, which was the result from step 3. 54 + 32 = 86°F. Therefore, 30°C is equivalent to 86°F.

If it seems odd that freezing for Kelvin would be such a high number — 273. 15 — it’s because the Kelvin scale is based around absolute zero, which is 0K.

For example, if you’re working with the temperature 30°C, just add 273. 15 to that. 30 + 273. 15 = 303. 15K.

If you start with an integer value of degrees Celsius, your result in kelvins will end in the decimal . 15. The lowest possible temperature is -273. 15ºC = 0 kelvins. If your result involves negative kelvins, you either made a math mistake or the problem uses impossible values. ºCelsius kelvins -100 173. 15 -50 223. 15 0 273. 15 50 323. 15 100 373. 15 200 473. 15 500 773. 15

If you start with an integer value of kelvins, your result in degrees Celsius will end in the decimal . 15 (if Celsius is negative) or . 85 (if Celsius is positive). Note how the difference between kelvins and Celsius becomes less important for very large numbers. Once you’re dealing with 6+ digits, the difference is often within your margin of error. kelvins ºCelsius 0 -273. 15 5 -268. 15 50 -223. 15 200 -73. 15 500 226. 85 1,000 726. 85 100,000 approx. 99,700 10 million very close to 10 million

Let’s say you’re starting with a temperature of 295K. Just multiply that number by 1. 8. 295 x 1. 8 = 531.

Just subtract 459. 7 from 531. 531 - 459. 7 = 71. 3 °F. Therefore, 295K = 71. 3 °F.

If you start with an integer value of kelvins, your answer in degrees Fahrenheit will end in the decimal . 67 (if ºF is negative) or . 33 (if ºF is positive). kelvins ºFahrenheit 0 -459. 67 5 -450. 67 50 -369. 67 200 -99. 67 500 440. 33 1,000 1,340. 33 100,000 approx 180,000.

Let’s say the temperature is 82°F. Subtract 32 from that number. 82 - 32 = 50.

50 x 5/9 = 27. 7, which is the Fahrenheit temperature now converted to Celsius.

273. 15 + 27. 7 = 300. 8. Therefore, 82°F = 300. 8K.