Have a confidante. Choose a close friend or family member who will be a good sounding board for you. If possible, choose someone who will not be misconstrued as a romantic partner of yours; your own relationships may undergo close scrutiny in the process. Secure a support network of family or friends who can help you through the situation. In a situation where one person is cheating, families and friends often find themselves torn. To whom should they remain loyal? Think about who will be the most supportive people in your life. Consult a family or matrimonial lawyer. You will also likely need the advice of a family lawyer if you are married or if you share resources or finances with your partner. Visit a counselor or therapist. If your suspicions are correct, you might find yourself being faced needing to make life-changing decisions. This is also very emotionally traumatic and a professional can help you through. Get referrals from trusted friends to find a counselor who suits you. It may take visits with a few different counselors before you find the right fit.

Enable cookies on their computer. If your partner’s email password is not saved in their browser, they might not have cookies enabled on their computer. Go into the web browser settings to enable cookies, which may store information and passwords. The computer will then be ready for your spouse’s next internet session, and passwords and other information will be stored.

Some people have created fake Facebook accounts to spy on their partners, although you should proceed with caution on this approach, as it can be extremely damaging to the relationship and any trust you have for each other.

Be sure to fully understand how your state treats electronic surveillance and privacy before embarking on this type of activity. [2] X Research source

When there is an element of secrecy and emotional connection and secrecy with another person, it is cheating. [3] X Research source For example, if your partner has a co-worker, and that person knows about the inner workings of your relationship, but you don’t know that they know, it is almost an emotional affair. So texting that entails emotional intimacy and secrecy can be considered an affair. [4] X Research source