There is something missing because even though you see that your measurements are getting better, there is a muffin top when you wear your favorite jeans. In the journey to find or to device a perfect workout routine, you end up reading a million articles and watching a billion videos. But one thing that you must have noticed is that people generally talk about exercises for which you need to sit down or use a machine.

Does that not limit your options? It most certainly does. So hence, we have come up with a few abdominal exercises that you can do by standing up. This intensifies the gravitational force on you while you are working out. So let us get started with standing abdominal exercises to get a flat belly and ripped abs.

Exercise #1

Rotating Deadlifts


Step 1: Stand on the ground with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees a little and hold a heavy dumbbell firmly in your hand.

Step 2: Flex your core and hinge towards the right, from your buttocks, without bending your back. Bend until the dumbbell reaches your right ankle.

Step 3: Slowly, return back to the initial position but keep in mind to rotate your torso and your upper body to your right. Repeat for the other side and continue till you complete one set.

Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each on each side.

Also, read 10 Minute Ab Workout - Powerful Ab and Oblique Exercises to get a Flat Stomach.

Next up: Medicine Ball Choppers

Exercise #2

Medicine Ball Choppers


Step 1: Stand on the floor with your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend your knees a little and get hold of a medicine ball.

Step 2: With a firm grip, hold the medicine ball over your head and extend your arms straight. Move your hands somewhat towards your left shoulder. This is your initial position.

Step 3: Lower yourself into a squat position and glide the ball down towards your right ankle.

Step 4: Get back up and take your hand back to the initial position.

Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps on each side.

Next up: Dumbbell Front Squats

Exercise #3

Dumbbell Front Squats

it is a dumbbell workout but if you don’t have one, then get hold of a kettle bell, medicine ball or a barbell.


Step 1: Hold a dumbbell in your hand and bring it to your chest. The weight should not be resting on your chest but should simply be at your chest’s height.

Step 2: Get down to the squat position, such that your back is straight and your thighs are parallel to the ground. Note, that you are doing a front squat, so your hips should be pushed back and your back must be straight.

Step 3: Get back to the initial position and repeat.

Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 10 reps each.

Next up: Lunge Twists

Exercise #4

Lunge Twists


Step 1: Stand and keep your legs about hip width apart. Your knees need to be slightly bent.

Step 2: Extend your arms in front and bring them to your shoulder level. They must be parallel to the floor.

Step 3: Now do a forward lunge by taking a step forward with your left leg, and sitting down such that your knees make a right angle with the ground. Your right leg must be placed at the back. Remember to keep your back straight.

Step 4: Now twist your abs over your front leg. Get back up and repeat.

Important Tip: Do the same exercise about 10-15 times for each leg. You can add weights to this exercise to add a level of difficulty.

Also, read 6 Productive Leg Exercises

Next up: Standing Side Crunches

Exercise #5

Standing Side Crunches


Step 1: Stand with your feet hip width apart. Hold a stability ball over your head and extend your arms towards the ceiling.

Step 2: Bend your elbows a little towards the side.

Step 3: Pull your left knee up, from the side and bend your left arm from the elbow so as to make them touch.

Step 4: Hold for a second and return to the initial position. Do the same for your right side. This makes up 1 rep.

Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

Next up: Kettle Bell Swing

Exercise #6

Kettle Bell Swing


Step 1: Stand with your legs apart and hold a kettle ball firmly with the help of your hands. Your hands must be extended downwards, such that they are hanging between your legs.

Step 2: Bend your hips and swiftly hike the kettle bell between your legs. Remember that your hips must be above your knees at all times.

Step 3: Thrust your hips forward and engage your core and glutes to swing the kettle bell forward, up to your shoulder height or even over your head, whichever you are comfortable with. Stand straight while you glide the weight up. Repeat.

Important Tip: Do this exercise for 1 minute continuously and engage your abs throughout the exercise.

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