Again, not everything The WWE does is perfect and some of the recent decisions they have made are somewhat concerning, but that doesn’t mean all their criticisms are valid. In fact, between their constant disapproval of Monday Night Raw and other decisions the company has made as of late, it’s as if fans aren’t even giving things a chance anymore.

With that being said and criticism of WWE seemingly at an all-time high, here are seven things The WWE Universe needs to stop complaining about. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean fans can’t complain or even threaten to stop watching WWE programming if the company does something they don’t like, but don’t whine over every single decision

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#6 Authority figures

Whether The WWE Universe likes it or not, Authority figures play a crucial role in storylines and are responsible for ultimately helping the babyface get over with the fans. The problem, however, is that this storyline takes a lot of time to play out and involves the babyface coming up short to The Authority multiple times.

While the desired result is for The WWE Universe to hate the authority figure and dream for the day that they are out of power, fans take it a step too far by claiming that this hurts the show. Furthermore, they threaten to quit watching WWE programming over the storyline even though they haven’t reached the payoff yet.

In the end, there will be a day, most likely soon, that Braun Strowman or whoever his surrogate ends up being, topples the authority and rings in a new day for Monday Night Raw. With that being said, fans need to watch and see how these authority storylines play out before prematurely labelling them a failure.

#5 The Women’s revolution

There are actually fans that are against the women’s revolution

As absolutely ridiculous and archaic as that sounds, there is a small portion of The WWE Universe that doesn’t believe women belong in the ring and that their matches still aren’t any better than what they were. They also claim that women shouldn’t be taking the kind of impacts they are in the ring, but the majority of fans have spoken otherwise.

With that being said and the women’s revolution rolling on for years now, one has to wonder when these fans are going to come to the realization that women’s wrestling has evolved? Furthermore, when are they going to realize that these female athletes are as talented if not more talented then some of the men?

Another thing these fans try to claim is that woman shouldn’t be taking the same type of bumps as men, which is something WWE has stopped doing recently. Not only has doing so resulted in some of the best Women’s matches the company has ever seen, but it also propelled some of these matchups into main event status.

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#4 Storylines getting personal

Believe it or not, some fans actually have a problem with how personal storylines in WWE are getting and claim that the company is going too far in many respects. In fact, between Ambrose claiming that Roman Reigns deserved his cancer diagnosis, to Samoa Joe bringing up Jeff Hardy’s past, it seems like fans are offended over every minor thing.

The problem with this, however, is that making a storyline personal is a great way for superstars to connect with fans on a personal level, which makes fans more invested in what’s going on. It also sometimes touches on real-life subjects that fans deal with in their day to day lives, which only helps make the bond stronger between fans and their hero

In the end, none of this is to say that WWE hasn’t gone too far in the past and probably will again, but making things personal is not a bad thing. Its something that brings gravity to a situation, makes fans feel a desired emotion and give them something to root for or against. With that being said, complaining about it is counterproductive to enjoying the product!

#3 Slow storyline progression

Rome wasn’t built in a day and a good storyline can take months to build up before it reaches its climax. Unfortunately for The WWE, its fans don’t seem very accepting of that anymore and just want to see the good guy win. With that being said, a lot of great stories have the hero coming out on top at the end, but what is supposed to happen in the meantime.

Keep in mind that this is not a defence of everything WWE has done in 2018, but it is a defence of the storylines that are taking a little longer to develop. The Miz’s eventual face, Braun Strowman’s first run with The Universal title and Baron Corbin losing power are all examples of this, but it takes time for everything to develop.

In the end, fans just need to be a little more patient with the storylines that they see play out every week.T hey also need to understand that the company sometimes has to go into conserve mode, especially with so many top superstars out right now and WrestleMania right around the corner and might not always be able to go all out!

#2 Heel Daniel Bryan

What’s wrong with Daniel Bryan as a heel?

The problems vary from person to person, but one of the biggest complaints was his justification for turning heel in the first place. In fact, fans seemed to groan when he related his dastardly actions against AJ Styles in their title match last month to those who harm the earth and its creatures.

While that might sound like a ridiculous justification for some, especially since it was such a cop-out, it was also the one thing that made sense for why Bryan would do such a thing. Furthermore, it got fans angry enough that they started to boo him, which is something that every good heel needs to do.

In the end, Bryan’s heel character is genius for two reasons. The first is that he adequately justified his intentions with something that was true to his character. The second reason that it is genius is due to the fact that its a topic that we are dealing with in the real world right now, which blurs the lines between story and reality.

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#1 Part-time champions

Let’s be honest here.

While The WWE Universe has despised the idea of part-time champions for years now, it is sometimes a very effective way of making a title seem more prestigious and even establishing new stars. Beyond that, it also makes when the champion does defend the title a big deal, which can help pay per view buys, and even TV ratings if done right

Unfortunately for The WWE, their fans go into full-blown rage mode whenever a part-timer wins or even challenges for a title and will threaten to boycott the company if the decision isn’t changed. What fans fail to realize however is that part-time champions are a big part of the storytelling process and is an effective way to build for the future.

Think about it! WWE tried for months to get fans behind Roman Reigns and was continuously met with failure. In fact, it was only when WWE started bringing Brock Lesnar back, playing up on his part-time role and portraying him as lazy that the fans finally started to accept Reigns as the viable alternative.

In the end, this kind of storytelling works and while it may take a long amount of time to unfold, its worth it when you see the finished the product. Then again, The WWE Universe doesn’t seem to have the kind of patience for this kind of storytelling, which may eventually force the company to book more short term.

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