In May, the first Frontier Pass DLC released for Civilization 6 which was the Maya & Gran Columbia Pack. This DLC gave access to the two aforementioned civs along with the Apocalypse game mode, a couple new resources, new natural wonders, and a few new city states. Two months later, the Ethiopia Pack is released, and it too brought with it a new game mode, Secret Societies, as well as the Diplomatic Quarter. With all these new additions, what else should Firaxis look to include in its upcoming DLCs?

RELATED: Civilization 6 Frontier Pass: When Will Pack 3 Be Revealed?

New Civs and Leaders


Each of the upcoming expansions have some amount of new civs and leaders, but it’s anyone’s guess as to who they are. One of these new civs should definitely be Armenia and their civ leader should be Tiridates III, who was king in the 3rd century and was made famous by his decision to convert the state religion of Armenia to Christianity. This made Armenia the first nation to officially adopt Christianity as its state religion which pressured Rome to follow suit 12 years later when Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan. Because of its historical significance, Armenia should make for a powerful religion civ in Civilization 6.

Another civ that should make an appearance in the upcoming Civilization 6 Frontier Pass DLC are the Huns with Attila as their leader. The Huns are similar to the Mongols as they are both nomadic; however, they’re located on two corners of the Asian continent with the Huns residing on the western side. The Huns were noted for their conquests of the western world including Rome and incidentally Armenia as well. As a militaristic civ, the Huns should have a special cavalry unit as well as a special version of the encampment. This being said, new civs aren’t the only thing the DLC will have in store.

New Game Modes

Game modes are what give every Civilization 6 game the spice it needs to make things interesting. Players new and old are consistently using game modes in their runs to make certain civ builds work better or just to turn a difficulty they’ve tackled before into a whole new challenge. The first game mode some players would like to see is one where players get to hash it out with specific units that can’t heal or enter cities to perform war games. A War Games mode would act like mini-games that appear similarly to the Appease the Gods competition. Civs will be randomly given an assortment of troops that cannot fight other non-competition units in an effort to capture their flag-bearer, and there will be a first, second, and third place prize to the players who capture the most flag-bearers during the war games.

Another interesting Civilization 6 game mode that should be added is a Cryptid Hunt game mode. Much like the world wonders, these theoretical creatures could be placed randomly in the game to prey on unsuspecting civ units. Civs could take the time to assemble units to apprehend the cryptids for science point generation, or perhaps they could attempt to tame them to gain stronger units. There should be different cryptids for each biome including shores and ocean areas in order to give predictability to their spawns, and adding this game mode to the roster is likely to keep players from skimping out on building military and gives added benefits to exploration.

RELATED: How Civilization 6’s Diplomatic Quarter Changes the Game

New World Wonders

World wonders are an integral part of any Civilization 6 cultural victory because of the added benefit of getting a adjacency bonuses from theater squares, and these production-heavy tile improvements are some of the most powerful things a player can put production into because of their far reaching bonuses. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one such wonder that has been in Civ 5 but remains missing from Civ 6. In its previous iteration, completion of the Leaning Tower of Pisa granted the player who built it a bonus to all cities generating great person points as well as gave a great person of that player’s choice immediately, which means this wonder would combo well with the Oracle.

The other wonder that should be included in Civilization 6 is the Louvre Museum of Paris. There is a desperate need for more methods of storing great works, as players who get a ton of great person points and spend them on great artists typically end up with a surplus of great artist charges which never get used because of limited space for great works. With the Louvre, there would at least be another production sink for the player to spend their great artist charges and generate more tourism.

There are many more wonders, game modes, and civs that should be added, but these are some of the ones that fill open niches in the current Civilization 6 roster. All players can do for now is wait and see what Firaxis delivers on the upcoming DLC.

Civilization 6 is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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