Oftentimes in the WWE, acts that get stale will get taken off of TV for a long period of time. Whether it’s due to injury or failure to get over with the crowd, WWE will take these superstars off the screen and revamp their character.

They will allow a repackaged superstar to debut once more to freshen up the product and his or her career. We’ve seen this occur multiple times in the WWE.

There are several superstars that need their image to be shaken up a bit in order to breathe new life into their careers. Here are 6 superstars that need to be repackaged.

#4 The Ascension

They were a force to be reckoned with in NXT. However, The Ascension’s presence as a dominant and vicious tag team did not transfer over to the main roster very well.

Before the brand split, The Ascension didn’t get a lick of TV time. They’ve been glorified jobbers ever since then. If they’re going to get beaten by every tag team on the roster, then their scary personas and backstory aren’t believable. It’s time to either change up the actor and/or change up their booking.

Even though The Ascension hardly appear on TV as is, they need to take a period of time off. In the meantime, WWE can build up some vignettes of them as scarier, aggressive, and vicious badasses.

The WWE Universe tends to have short memories when it comes to wrestling, so hopefully, their return will give the same presence as what was felt when they were back in NXT. Beating some enhancement talent could help as they gain a win streak and some traction as a tag team.

If they aren’t going to book The Ascension differently, then they will need to change up their entire gimmick. There’s nothing scary about a couple of losers. If WWE wants The Ascension to be true players on the roster, they are going to have to be repackaged. Otherwise, we may see the company cut ties with the former NXT Tag Team Champions in the near future.

#3 Fandango and Tyler Breeze

There is no denying that the tag team divisions on each roster are one of the best things going on the WWE at the moment. This is especially true for SmackDown LIVE.

Ever since Tyler Breeze and Fandango made the switch into the Fashion Police, they have been surprisingly over with the newfound gimmick. They have been hilarious in promos, and still manage to get the WWE Universe to boo them during matches due to their ability to work the crowd.

Both Breeze and Fandango are fantastic in-ring workers. Their combination of natural chemistry and charisma worked with the crowd. The only problem, sadly, is that they have been treated as a comedy act so far.

If Breezango is allowed an actual angle in the tag division and some air time to display their character work, the crowd would easily be able to get behind or against the Fashion Police.

Their comedic antics could place them in a face role similar to that of New Day where they can roast everyone. With a more serious look, they can be more conniving and cowardly heels rather than comedic.

Vince McMahon apparently enjoys the duo together so why not bring a minor change in their character and pull the trigger on a big push for the tag team? If not, two spectacular talents are being wasted in the lowest tier of the current division in the WWE.

If a tag team push isn’t in their future, a split and singles push will bode well for both individuals and the blue brand. Either way, experimenting with a push for the duo after WrestleMania would do more good than harm for the tag division and SmackDown Live.

#2 Curt Hawkins

Curt Hawkins appeared on the WWE programming back in 2016 with Chuck Norris vignettes, and his whole gimmick is him telling people to face the facts. What is up with the pole he carries, too? Nothing about Curt Hawkins makes sense, and he’s a joke that nobody finds humorous.

A Curt Hawkins appearance helps no one and hurts everyone. The guy was supposed to be a returning talent with a highly anticipated debut, but now people are happier with him off their TV screens.

If WWE was planning to treat Hawkins as a joke the entire time, then why did they even bother signing him? He has to have the worst gimmick on the main roster. If he’s going to be a goof, at least make him a lovable goof. If he’s going to be a heel, at least make him some kind of threat or have him win in an unfair way.

Hawkins has a terrible gimmick and has yet to pick up a win on the main roster. WWE needs to do something, ANYTHING, different from the guy if they want him to provide some entertainment on Monday nights. Either repackage Curt Hawkins or send him packing.

#1 Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn, The Underdog from the Underground, has seemingly been overlooked his entire career. He is a crowd favourite with shades of Daniel Bryan in terms of career direction.

Zayn has been out with a shoulder injury, but when he wasn’t injured, he had been spending his time in no man’s land on Raw and SmackDown. He was used as enhancement talent to help progress Braun Strowman as a monster and was nothing more than a stepping stone for Samoa Joe to the main event scene.

If WWE plays its cards right, a post-WrestleMania push for Sami Zayn could provide one the most feel-good and entertaining storylines and moments of the year. Zayn definitely deserves it.

Hopefully, when the smoke clears, we end up seeing a tweak in Zayn’s character post- WrestleMania, and as a fresh creative slate begins, we can begin to see the push of Sami Zayn.

He has proven to be a success story for NXT. Zayn’s overwhelming crowd support is evidence that he can replicate that success on the main roster.

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