This is why, if you take a closer look, you’ll notice that most of Vince McMahon’s hand-picked favorites have been given the Spear as one of their main moves. He has loved seeing that move ever since a certain WCW powerhouse starting running through people like a not knife through butter.

But not everyone who has done this move has done it well. Some users who’ve hit the Spear looked like they were barely even touching their opponents with any force whatsoever. In many other cases, the Spear was given to smaller and lighter wrestlers, which didn’t make sense since the whole point behind the move is for the user to smash into their opponents with all of their weight.

So which wrestlers hit the best Spears? Read on…

#6 The Big Show

The Big Show’s spear is a bit different from other wrestlers’. Show doesn’t really run that much due to his enormous frame, so it’s hard to him to ‘pick up steam’ and get momentum going. Instead, Show simply lowers his shoulder and nudges forward, pushing his shoulder into his opponent.

While that might not sound that impressive, bear in mind that this is a 7-foot-tall, 500-pound man with hands like frying pans. His shoulder is probably the size of a basketball, and getting Speared by him, no matter how slowly, would likely feel like getting smashed in the stomach with a tank shell.

#5 Rhyno

Rhyno called his version of the Spear ‘the Gore’, partly because he was named after the animal with the giant horn on its face. The other reason for this was that Rhyno would pick up his opponent by the legs in a split second, effectively ‘carrying’ them as he planted his shoulder in their abdomens.

In some cases, Rhyno would hit his opponents with such force that they’d do a flip on impact. Sure, most of this is thanks to great selling from his opponents, but he was one of the heavier wrestlers to use the Spear, so it wouldn’t be hard to believe that he did, in fact, pack enough force behind his Gore to really turn someone inside out.

#4 Batista

Batista added the Spear to his arsenal around 2007, and it helped him look like a more unpredictable wrestler. Prior to that, he was mostly known for hitting his big moves while standing directly in front of his opponents. WWE figured that, by adding the Spear, Batista would be able to hit a move out of nowhere like Randy Orton, which would go well with his ‘explosive power’ gimmick.

However, while Batista’s Spear was good, it wasn’t great. Batista wasn’t much of a runner and was far better suited to hitting big power moves from a standing position, like his Spinebuster or the Batista Bomb.

Those maneuvers allowed him to capitalize on his power and upper body strength, whereas a Spear requires more agility and leg strength, both of which are things that Batista didn’t showcase as much in his big matches.

#3 Edge

Edge’s Spear is a bit controversial. On one hand, Edge has hit some of the best Spears of all time, including his famous Spear onto Jeff Hardy off the ladder at Wrestlemania X-Seven. Back when he was still a rising star, he seemed to have much more force in those Spears when he hit them.

In later years, however, something changed. Edge didn’t push his opponents forward with the same force as others on this list. Instead, he would hit the Spear and he would stop where he was, and his opponent would drop in that exact spot as well. Without the additional forward push from Edge, it made his Spear look weaker in some cases.

In fact, an old joke that used to circulate suggested that Edge would hit the ‘running hug’ because that’s how soft it looked at times. Not that any of his opponents were complaining, mind you.

#2 Roman Reigns

In some ways, Roman Reigns is the amalgamation of most of the wrestlers already mentioned on this list. He’s hit the Spear on opponents flying through the air, smashing them to pieces as they landed, like the Big Show. He has shown great agility and power when hitting the Spear, like Edge and Rhyno. He has also looked like an unstoppable powerhouse when hitting it, like Batista.

While his ‘oooh-aahhh’ taunt to set up the Spear is easily the lamest signal in WWE, that doesn’t take away from the fact that Reigns’ spear can and does look devastating most of the time. There have been a few moments when Reigns hit the move with almost no force behind it, making it look like a basic standing tackle instead of a running one.

But try as he might make himself the king of Spears, there’s still someone better than him…

#1 Goldberg

Nobody in wrestling history has ever done a better Spear than Goldberg.

Thanks to his football background, Goldberg took the concept of ‘running shoulder tackle’ and ran with it (literally). Goldberg was a powerhouse that drove every inch of his 6-foot-4, 285-pound frame into his opponent with the force of a freight train.

Watching his Spears over the years, his opponents looked like they were flattened or bent in half after he was done with them.

But most importantly, when Goldberg hit his Spear, he didn’t stop in the exact spot where he hit them. most of the time, the momentum caused his own body to land ‘deeper’ into his opponent’s gut, which made the move look absolutely devastating.

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