However, when you are talking about the flexibility or mobility of your shoulders, you need not get into hardcore shoulder mobility exercises for it. Some simple and equipment-free shoulder workout tips can help you out with this concern.

We are aware that a lot of you might just skip this article thinking that this is not really that important but we must warn you a mere discomfort can cause a lot of pain in the long run.

So you must simply invest 10-15 minutes of your day on these super simple exercises and stretches to increase your shoulder flexibility and shoulder mobility such that you can avoid pain and stiffness in this area.

This pain can be due to your daily routine or your exercise regime and hence you must be careful with that.

So let us get started with a few basic exercises to help you out with your shoulder flexibility and mobility.

Exercise #1

Quadruped Shoulder Circles

Placing your hands and knees on the floor increases and adjusts the pressure you exert on your shoulders, thus giving a positive boost to the benefits of this exercise.


Step 1: Get down on your fours by placing your palms and knees on the floor. Your hands must be under your shoulders and your knees must be under your hips.

Step 2: Push your self to the ground and shrug your shoulder blades by moving them towards your ears, then rotating them back, then bringing them under your ears followed by moving them closer to your head. This basically resembles a circular motion.

Important Tip: Do 10 circles in one direction and then complete it by doing 10 more in the opposite direction.

Next up: Clasped Hands Extension

Exercise #2

Clasped Hands Extension

This exercise helps you stretch the back portion of your shoulder and helps you get rid of your slouched posture.


Step 1: Sit on the floor and make yourself comfortable. You need not sit on the floor in case you are not comfortable with it; a chair works just fine, too.

Step 2: Now clasp your hands right behind your back and extend your arms.

Step 3: Sit up straight and pull your arms in the opposite direction by squeezing your shoulders.

Steps 4: Stop as you feel a pull and hold it for 10 seconds. Relax.

Important Tip: Do this exercise 5-6 times.

Also, read 11 Proven Lower Back Exercises to Strengthen Your Lower Back.

Next up: Wall Angels

Exercise #3

Wall Angels


Step 1: Stand with your back against the wall.

Step 2: Place your arms at a right angle such that your upper arms are parallel to the floor and your fingers are pointing towards the ceiling. Your arms, shoulders and tailbone must touch the wall at all times.

Step 3: Slowly extend your arms towards the ceiling and try to keep your elbows and wrists near the wall.

Step 4: Once you reach as high as possible, lower your arms back to the initial position and repeat.

Important Tip: Do this for 1 minute.

Also, read 6 Effective Shoulder Stretches To Instantly Fix Tight Shoulders.

Next up: Corner Stretch

Exercise #4

Corner Stretch

This stretch is effective for enhancing the internal shoulder muscles.


Step 1: Get to a corner and stand about 10 inches away from the sides. Place one leg ahead of the other.

Step 2: Lift both arms and extend them at shoulder level, such that your elbows are bent at a right angle.

Step 3: Slowly, position your forearms and your palms on the wall and push yourself ahead by putting pressure on your front leg.

Step 4: Continue till you feel a pull in your shoulder area and hold this for 20 seconds. Relax and repeat.

Important Tip: Do this exercise 5 times.

Next up: Sphinx Position with Anterior Reach

Exercise #5

Sphinx Position with Anterior Reach

This is done so as to stabilize the muscles that are responsible for arms and shoulder movement. This exercise can enhance your shoulder’s range of motion.


Step 1: Lie on your tummy by placing your elbows and your forearms on the floor. Your chest must be pushed away from the floor and your head must be stretched upwards.

Step 2: With this position, simply extend your left arm forward. Hold for 3 seconds and relax. Repeat for your right arm.

Important Tip: Do this exercise for 90 seconds, alternating between sides.

Next up: Downward Dog

Exercise #6

Downward Dog


Step 1: Get down on your fours and place your palms under your shoulder.

Step 2: Push your legs back and lift your hips towards the ceiling. Your body will be in an inverted V position.

Step 3: Push your hands and heels towards the floor and move your chest and shoulders towards your thighs. You must form a straight line all the way from your tailbone to your arms. Hold for 30 seconds and relax.

Important Tip: Do this exercise for 1 minute.

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