Not only do they improve overall mobility and strength, but practicing certain asanas regularly helps loosen tight muscles, ease body pain and also enhance balance by boosting blood flow.

Studies have shown that yoga can help in weight and stress management, promotes mental health and improves sleep quality too. They also assist in maintaining good metabolism and improving cardio health. Yoga poses target the hamstrings, hips, shoulders, arms, calves and every other part to give you quick relief from stiffness, pain, and discomfort.

Read on to learn about a few beneficial yoga poses you must add to your everyday fitness routine.

Yoga Poses to Practice Before Work

Try the following six asanas in your next morning workout routine to relieve tension and wake up your muscles before work:

1) Thread the Needle Pose

It’s a great yoga exercise that gently stretches the chest, shoulders, upper back, neck, and arms.

To do it:

Start in a tabletop position. Lift your right arm towards the ceiling, and rotate the torso to the left. Reverse the motion, and continue to rotate the extended left arm and upper body through the centre and to the right while bringing the left arm and shoulder on the ground behind the right palm. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds or more, and repeat on the other side.

2) Cat-cow Pose

It’s one of the best yoga poses for the spine. Practicing this yoga exercise regularly helps release tension and prepares the body for other advanced backbends.

To do it:

Start on all fours, with your hands under the shoulders and knees beneath the hips. Keep your spine and head in a neutral position. Inhale and exhale easily to enter the cat pose. Round your spine towards the ceiling, and release your head down to enter the cow pose. Lift your butt, head, and chest, but do not overstrain your neck. Oscillate between the cat and cow pose ten times, and ensure that you use slow and controlled movements.

Note: If you have wrist pain, do this pose from your forearms, and place a pillow under your knees if you have an achy knee.

3) Child’s Pose

The child’s pose is one of the most rejuvenating poses that offers great relief from back and hip pain and stiffness.

To do it:

Start on all fours, and keep your big toes together. Slowly sit back, and bend forward to place your torso on your thighs. Position your arms straight in the front, and ensure that the palms are facing the floor. Stretch and relax.

4) Lord of the Dance

The lord of the dance pose helps improve flexibility and balance while gently stretching the front side of the body.

To do it:

Stand tall with your feet positioned together and arms by the sides. Bend your right knee, and bring your foot towards your butt. Hold the outside of your foot using your right hand, and push your tailbone down. Keep your pelvis up towards your stomach, and allow your knee to extend as it moves towards the ceiling. Slowly extend your left arm in the front, and ensure that it’s parallel to the floor.

5) Happy Baby Pose

The happy baby pose targets the hips and lower back and helps relieve tightness.

To do it:

Lying on your back, bend your knees, and move them towards your stomach. Hold the outside of your feet with both hands, and flex your ankles and heels. Breathe easily, and make sure that your ankles are directly above your knees. As you do that, push against your hands, and stretch.

6) Chair Pose

The chair pose helps strengthen the back, shoulders, and legs, and also promotes better body balance. Moreover, it gently stretches the hamstrings, spine, triceps, delts, glutes and quads.

To do it:

Stand tall, and extend your arms over your head. Slowly start to sit back till your thighs get parallel to the floor. Roll your shoulders back, and gently press your tailbone down to feel the stretch. Breathe easily, and relax.


All the aforementioned yoga poses are beginner-friendly and can be done in the comfort of your home.

While doing these asanas, ensure that you hold the posture for at least 20 seconds before switching to the other side. Also, keep in mind to do these yoga poses gently and not force your body to stretch beyond its limitations. Practice safely and consistently to get the best results.

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