No matter how you decide to run the program, there are many perks to making podcasts for your business. They can improve your customer relations, conversion rate, status, and so much more.

1. Podcast Popularity Is Soaring

According to Influencer Marketing Hub’s podcast statistics, 2021 saw 41% of US listeners above the ages of 12 tune in on a monthly basis, while 28% of weekly listeners enjoyed four to five episodes.

Audiences also like having podcasts in the background while they’re driving or doing chores. So, your podcasts don’t need to be complicated things that people should focus on.

Simple news reports, product reveals, or funny insider stories could reach all kinds of listeners every week. Once you’ve successfully hosted several podcast interviews, start inviting big celebrities and watch your ratings skyrocket.

For best results, it’s important to keep an eye on trends and statistics. They can pinpoint the most effective ways to attract people, such as broadcasting special features at specific times in the mornings or evenings when listener ratings peak.

2. Strengthen Your Public Image

You can turn your business from a lifeless service into a brand in a heartbeat. Depending on your type of podcasts, your public image can look forward to a revamp that boosts its visibility and identity.

To begin with, listeners get to know the voice of your company, which can gradually share its vision, ideas, and confidence in its field. On top of that, you can generate a more casual or professional public image. At the end of the day, people should consider you an approachable and reliable source of products, information, and entertainment.

Remember to invest in the quality of your show as much as its contents. A good start would be to learn common podcasting mistakes to avoid, like overlooking sound quality, ID3 tags, and calls to action.

3. Connect With Customers on a More Personal Level

Building customer relations through podcasts isn’t just about broadcasting your company’s services and policies. Listeners need to feel a personal connection to your brand.

Get ideas from services like Pacific Content, which produces branded podcasts for leading companies like Slack, Audible, and Dell Technologies. Many of its shows aim to help listeners unwind and form a pleasant bond with the company behind the podcasts.

Try different types of podcasts that inspire your audiences or invite them to interact with you. Q&A sessions are a great way to do this, as well as episodes narrating the stories of customers or professionals. Feel free to think outside the box.

4. A Direct Way to Share Information

If nothing else, a podcast is the easiest way to inform customers about new and existing products, special events you’re planning, or anything else you need to share.

Ads and social media marketing can attract plenty of attention, but it often comes at a steep price or doesn’t work as well as expected. If you have people tuned into your podcasts, however, you can share any details you want immediately.

In addition to directly enlightening your audiences, your business’s podcast has a good chance of persuading people to react to calls of action, especially if you’ve built a strong relationship with them.

Play your cards right as a podcaster, and you can find yourself working with big names in the industry. Where you choose to launch your branded show affects your public image and how fast you’ll gather loyal listeners.

For example, while YouTube is a viable platform for podcasts with visual elements, it’s not the most professional route to go for. Buzzsprout, on the other hand, is a popular website specifically designed for podcasting and can give your show the start it deserves.

From there, every effort you make to push your show into the limelight can grow your network at the same time. Sponsors, other podcasters, and even competition winners are great for spreading the word.

Once you gather a big enough audience and status, you could try venturing into Spotify or LinkedIn’s new podcast network. Their reputations would truly put your show and brand on the map while reaching more unique audiences.

All of these platforms and methods open doors for your business to expand. With careful planning and smart moves, you can get more customers, partners, and ideas for groundbreaking projects.

6. Additional Income and Opportunities

A big network, excited customers, and a powerful position in the corporate world are great perks to look forward to with a podcast supporting your business. But your opportunities branch into your finances, too.

Advertising is a podcaster’s typical source of income, which can be considerable for a popular show. To put things into perspective, the average CPM, or cost per 1,000 listeners, for a 60-second advert is $25.

Now, consider the added potential in the fact that, according to stats on Podcast Insights, 69% of consumers find out about new products and services from podcasts alone.

Alongside ad revenue, you can have subscriptions, premium content, crowdfunding, paid events, and more. Once again, each feature expands your business’s horizons beyond enhancing your income.

All of this can lead to more visibility, collaborations, special occasions, and, of course, happy customers. In turn, your conversion rates will enjoy regular boosts.

Your Business Can Benefit From Podcasts

It’s one thing to create podcasts and another to convince people to listen, let alone pay for them. So, while you put on a wonderful show to benefit your business, make sure you think about your audience, too.

Don’t just work out how to please them, but also how to make it easy for them to back you. Explore tools to give your podcast a smooth user experience, including clear buttons and calls to action. Also, check what features are available on podcast hosts, from rating systems to algorithms. Choose platforms that suit your goals the most.