We’ve all had numerous debates with friends and family over which is the better smartphone. Regardless of what hardcore Android users might say, the iPhone offers a lot that Android users miss out on. Read on as we discuss the six reasons how iPhones are far superior.

1. Apple Manufactures Processors

The iPhone performs so much better compared to Android smartphones due to its superior processors. Apple does not rely on processor chip manufacturers for its hardware. Instead, it designs processors that conform to its vision of the latest iPhone. By building its own processors, Apple is able to have complete control over the design and performance of products.

Apple processors are also comparatively bigger in size, and this allows it to include additional hardware resources that significantly improve the iPhone’s performance. Additional CPU cores coupled with a bigger performance cache allow the iPhone to outperform and outlast its competitors.

The iPhone also uses a much superior 64-bit processor that the 64-bit processors manufactured by Qualcomm cannot match. Apple released the first-ever 64-bit smartphone processor in 2013, and it has constantly improved its system on a chip (SoC) designs to improve efficiency and performance.

Manufacturers like Qualcomm or Exynos do not design processor chips for a specific smartphone, and their business model depends on being able to sell as many processor chips to as many smartphone manufacturers as possible. Companies like Samsung and Huawei design their phones to fit existing processors; as a result, their smartphones suffer in longevity and performance.

2. Optimal Hardware Software Integration

The iPhone offers a much better overall experience in terms of performance because the iPhone’s hardware is optimized for its software and vice-versa. Apple has successfully created an unparalleled level of integration between its hardware and software components.

The iPhone does not need 16GB of RAM to outperform a flagship Android phone because Apple ensures that its hardware and software are optimized to use resources more efficiently. This is all made possible because Apple has complete control over the production process of the iPhone, a luxury Android manufacturers do not have.

3. Large Cache Memory

The cache is an important factor in the performance of smartphones today. Cache memory performs much faster than RAM, and a large cache memory allows smartphones to perform significantly better.

Lags and system glitches are way too common even in flagship Android smartphones; iPhones are not prone to this thanks to a larger high-performance cache. ARM architecture processors typically contain one or two MB of cache memory, but the iPhone contains either 4MB or 8MB cache memory.

A larger cache memory allows faster data exchange with the CPU, thereby boosting the overall processing speed. Despite Android smartphones having vast amounts of RAM, iPhones perform considerably better thanks to the high-performing cache memory.

4. No Bloatware

The moment you power on an Android device for the first time, you’re treated to a sea of unwanted apps that not only clutter your phone but also affect its performance. Tons of Google apps are automatically added, and not to mention the unwanted OEM apps. It is almost impossible to get rid of these apps for good without rooting your phone.

The iPhone, in comparison, only has a few pre-installed Apple apps, and you can uninstall even those in just a few taps.

Bloatware significantly impacts the overall performance of your device. A large number of background resources are utilized by these unwanted apps causing your Android not to use resources where needed.

5. Timely OS Updates

Apple easily beats Android in providing greater support through updates. Compatible Apple devices can get the latest iOS update the moment it launches. iOS 15 was released in 2021, and it is compatible with devices as old as the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, and even the first-generation iPhone SE.

System updates on Android devices are much more complicated. Google only updates its own Pixel devices directly, and other Android devices receive updates through their OEMs. Other manufacturers such as Samsung, Redmi, and Sony receive the update from Google, optimize it for select models, and release it months later (if ever).

6. A Camera Engineered to Perfection

There is one iPhone feature that even the staunchest Android users love; you guessed it, it’s the iPhone’s phenomenal camera. Apple has engineered the camera on the iPhone to perfection, and there is hardly a smartphone around with a better camera than the latest iPhone.

The iPhone Remains Unbeaten

Apple’s iPhone has consistently delivered a brilliant smartphone experience to its loyal users. The iPhone is capable of outperforming Android devices at any time, and it will be very rare to find an Android device that can compete with the iPhone. There is no doubt that the iPhone is very expensive compared to flagship Android devices, and while many term it “Apple Tax,” the truth is far from it.

iPhones are generally much smoother, faster, and have significantly better longevity compared to Android smartphones. They can outperform flagship Android devices thanks to Apple-manufactured hardware and system software.