You can write a hybrid app using a framework, then store it in native containers, and make deploy native apps on different platforms.

These frameworks are becoming increasingly popular for hybrid app development, and here are some of the best.

1. React Native

React Native is a JavaScript framework used to develop cross-platform mobile apps. This framework has a unique language called JSX for developing user interfaces that allow you to write HTML and CSS through React. Its user interface components are also designed to create a fast and enjoyable experience for end users.

React Native has the attractive ability to instantly reflect the changes you make to your application. This is unlike most other development applications that require you to recompile code or relaunch the app.

React Native uses the JavaScript engine on each platform, so you’ll have access to a huge ecosystem of libraries and open-source tools. It also allows you seamlessly port part of your app code to another platform.

React Native may not be the perfect framework for some interfaces, like those with dynamic, complex, or advanced designs. These intricacies may be crucial to the makeup of the app you are developing. There’s also a limit to the custom models available for your use, requiring you to build some things from scratch yourself.

Thankfully, you can learn how to write android apps using react Native without much difficulty, if you already know JavaScript. At the same time, beginners might initially struggle with grasping the dynamics of this tool.

Still, React Native’s reduced development time and its compatibility with third-party apps makes it worth the effort to learn.

2. Ionic

Used to power millions of powerful apps for organizations like NHS and Southwest Airlines, Ionic is a leading hybrid app toolkit. It allows you to develop hybrid mobile apps for multiple platforms using a single code base.

Ionic has a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS background patterns, and JavaScript components. These are essential tools that help you build user-friendly and interactive multi-platform apps.

Another advantage of Ionic is the set of extras it includes to power your app. Features like a camera, GPS, and health kits can help to increase your app’s functionality set. You can also test every component while you’re writing code, to facilitate early bug or error detection.

Ionic contains an impressive set of responsive widgets. These guarantee a flexible user experience and will save you time and effort during development too.

Sadly, one of the biggest limitations of Ionic is that its apps are heavily dependent on native plugins. These aim to achieve performance comparable with native apps, but they’re not available in every instance. This means you might struggle to find the applicable plugins; you may even have to develop one yourself.

3. Xamarin

Xamarin is natively compiled, making its relatively recent entry into the market a significant one. Developing a high-performance app with this framework will allow it to keep its native look and feel. Xamarin was a community project until Microsoft acquired it in 2016. It has since become a popular tool for developing apps in the Microsoft ecosystem.

It uses the C# language, and other native libraries from the .NET layer for app development. Xamarin deploys native libraries to high-end apps for different platforms without sacrificing performance. Compared to some of the more popular hybrid frameworks, it provides a significantly better user experience.

One of Xamarin’s limitations is its performance shortcomings, especially compared to native apps. Consequently, it may not be the best choice for really complex apps. The hot reload feature is also unavailable in this framework, so some features may not update on some platforms in real time.

Regardless of these limitations, Xamarin is a good choice for your hybrid development needs. It has strong support, resources, and comprehensiveness, giving your application a close-to-native performance.

4. Flutter

According to Google, Flutter aims for native-like performance while giving you control of your app’s components through an intuitive UI toolkit.

Flutter features plugin libraries and innovative user interfaces to facilitate the native experience. Moreover, Flutter has a wider audience reach as its use is not limited to Android or iOS applications.

Flutter’s app builder enables you to mix and match features. With its hotloader feature, you can make instant changes as you debug your code, easing the development process.

Flutter may be tricky for beginners, as it uses Dart, which is not a popular language for app development. Also, the built-in widgets make its apps very weighty, and the absence of third-party libraries means extra coding.

Nevertheless, Flutter remains an attractive option, with top-notch UI elements. These range from font options to widgets that improve the overall app performance and user experience.

5. NativeScript

NativeScript is an open-source framework that you can use to build apps using web skills like JavaScript and CSS.

NativeScript is a popular framework thanks to its excellent features and overall performance. Its compatibility with recent mobile versions, up-to-date resource library, and command-line interface further cement its usefulness.

An attractive feature of NativeScript is that it makes updates to your app in real time without you needing to refresh. Unlike most other hybrid frameworks, NativeScript does not use web technology.

The framework contains features to ensure a hassle-free experience, making it a popular choice for developers. It’s not only feature-rich but also easy to use and cost-effective.

6. Apache Cordova

Cordova uses CSS3, JavaScript, and HTML5 to create cross-platform apps. In addition, it extends the features of HTML5 and CSS3 to work with target devices. This adds extra functionality, such as an accelerator, compass, microphone, and even a file system.

Due to its extra features, you can build fast, flexible, native-like apps and also have access to third-party plugins and toolboxes.

Cordova contains plugins for most features and platforms, and in cases where there isn’t a suitable one, you can easily write your own. These plugins connect JavaScript code to native code and secure native performance.

The features of this framework are similar to Ionic, including native-like widgets, tabs, reorderable lists, and so on.

Apache Cordova has two workflow methods and a cross-platform workflow method (CLI). This enables your application to run on different mobile operating systems.

The CLI also has a unique interface that helps you apply plugins to your app. However, the platform-centered workflow helps you build a single platform app first, then modify it into a less complex form.

Choosing the Best Framework for You

The top hybrid frameworks have unique selling points suited for different purposes. For example, the major allure of NativeScript is that you do not need to have prior knowledge of how to run iOS and Android platforms.

As a result, you should carefully consider the special features of each framework together with your own needs. You might want to consider factors like concurrent testing, compatibility, downsides, and cost to choose the framework that’s right for you.