Mass Effect 3 will bring an epic conclusion to the reaper invasion and potential extermination of not only mankind, but every race found throughout the galaxy. It’s up to Commander Shepard to ultimately stop the reaper invasion, and with all the history behind Shepard’s experiences, it only makes sense that players will be revisiting places from previous Mass Effect games.

We’ve compiled a list of six locations from both Mass Effect titles that we think could both serve a purpose in Mass Effect 3 - and deserve to be seen again. From the Serpent Nebula to the Terminus Systems, here follows some destinations which could aid Shepard in his fight against the Reapers.

Note: Obviously, SPOILERS from both Mass Effect titles will follow!

Our first entry may seem a little redundant, considering that in both Mass Effect titles you’ve been able to return to the activity hub of the galaxy, and be met by a really shortsighted Counsel. What we really want is for the player to be able to explore more of the Citadel than was previously available.

In the first game, you were limited to several embassies and areas like C-Sec, which would undoubtedly be important locations to visit in Mass Effect 3 as you convince council races to contribute what they can to stave off the Reaper threat. In Mass Effect 2, you were limited to a small commercial district and Anderson’s area of the Presidium. With the Citadel playing such a large role in the goings-on of the universe, we’re hoping BioWare will let us explore more of it in the final portion of Shepard’s story, and open up several new (and old!) areas. In this, we also expect the return of the helpful Sergeant Bailey, who went out of his way to assist Shepard in Mass Effect 2.

Ilos was a very prominent world during the Prothean era. It isn’t made clear whether expeditions to study were successful after Shepard and his crew finally made it to Ilos, being the first group to due so in the history of council races. As the reapers attack Earth, it may occur to the team that researching what exactly happened on Ilos could lead to discoveries for defending against the Reapers - as well as retrofitting ancient Prothean technology for this cause.

After fending off the Collector threat, who were heavily technologically modified descendants of the Protheans, the idea may occur that if Prothean DNA can be recovered, they could be an invaluable ally in the fight against the Reapers - potentially warranting a trip to the formerly-verdant world. Even if this isn’t possible, the scientific aspects of Ilos, and it’s unusual architectural styling, make the location a favorable destination in Mass Effect 3.

The pirate hub of the Terminus Systems provided an entertaining look at the seedy lifestyles of criminals and has-beens. The muscle of the top mercenary gangs in the galaxy could potentially be hired here, not to mention whatever contacts Aria T’Loak can get you, provided she hasn’t been assassinated.

Omega serves as an important communication hub for contacts through the Terminus Systems, and like it or not, criminals can provide great services to Shepard in his fight for support against the Reapers. Regardless, Omega is an enjoyable difference from the streamlined architecture of space shuttles as well as pristine stations - and would make a nostalgic and enjoyable stop in Mass Effect 3.

One of humanity’s first expansion planets, Bekenstein is touted as the human variant of Illium: “More glittering than diamonds, more expensive than surgery.” The planet is a haven for the luxurious - and unfriendly to those without the credits to pay for the high standards.

Introduced in the Mass Effect 2 DLC Kasumi - Stolen Memory, Bekenstein would prove an interesting place to secure support from humanity’s deadly investors and crime kingpings - and, of course, it’s likely that Cerberus has many ties on the planet, which may play a role in Shepard discovering the secrets of the Illusive Man.

Noveria has already played an important role in deciding the fate of the galaxy, whereupon Shepard makes the decision to either let the Rachni be reborn or make the species extinct.

The frozen terrestial world is home to over two dozen technology research firms from all species across the galaxy, and within the planet resides many secrets and advancements in technology which could, like upgrading your ship in Mass Effect 2, make a huge difference in how effective your tech is against the reaper threat. Of course, that’s assuming you gain the cooperation of the most powerful corporations in the galaxy.

Despite the impression you may have from the original Mass Effect, Eden Prime represents the definition of success in a human colony. The planet is pristine and would be a haven to all of the now-homeless refugees as the reapers wreak havoc in the local cluster. With a location close to the Terminus Systems, its further form the harm of the Earthbound Reapers, and is potentially closer to Geth protection, who previously had visited the planet under orders from the rogue Spectre Saren (of course, this is assuming the Geth will help you in your fight against the Reapers).

If humanity survives the Reaper threat, Earth will have suffered mass destruction - leaving Eden Prime a great target as humanity’s new number one home and most habitable planet. It seems fitting that the place where Shepard’s story truly began could be the place where it ends as well.

Obviously, the universe of Mass Effect is full of many different places, people and outcomes. There are plenty of places that Commander Shepard should be revisiting, but these classic locations may hold keys to destroying the main threat of the game, and would offer entertaining missions as well as the chance to meet old friends and enemies.

What old locations would you like to see Commander Shepard travel to as the reaper threat reaches its peak?

Mass Effect 3 is due for release on March 6th for Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3.


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