You need strong triceps whether you play sports or just go about your regular business since they aid in stabilizing and promoting healthy shoulder joints.

Even though developing triceps is important, this muscle group is frequently neglected for a clear reason. Most of the time, without even realizing it, people tend to train the muscle groups that are on the front of the body as opposed to the muscles that are on the back.

Most Effective Triceps Exercises

Without much further ado, here are some of the best triceps exercises you must include in your routine:

1) Diamond push-ups

Among the triceps exercises on this list, the diamond push-up is one of the most fantastic push-up workouts to build a strong and muscular chest. You may need to start with this technique on your knees and gradually work your way up the toes because it needs a lot of upper body strength.


Start the move by setting up your hands on the mat in a diamond configuration, with your fingers wide and your thumbs and forefingers in contact. To make the exercise more accessible, keep the knees on the floor or straighten the legs into a plank position. As you bend your elbows and lower yourself until your chin or chest meets the floor, keep your back straight and your abs tight. If you’re unable to lower yourself all the way, go as low as you can and work to gradually develop the strength necessary to do so. Your elbows should remain close to your sides throughout the entire action. Perform 8-10 reps.

2) Close grip bench press

This triceps exercise allows you to simultaneously work on each of the three triceps heads. This grip puts more strain on your triceps than the normal grip, which works on your chest and deltoids. Just be careful not to get too close or your wrists will suffer.


Lie on the bench. Raise the bar off the rack while keeping your hands in a tight grip and your shoulders around shoulder-width apart. Lock your arms together. As you bring the bar to your breastplate, inhale. Maintain a firm core with your elbows. After a brief pause, breathe out and press the bar back to its initial position. Repeat 8-10 times.

3) Triceps dips

Dips are a more challenging triceps exercise because they isolate the muscle and work it specifically.


Your arms should be fully extended while you support your body while holding the dip machine’s grips. Hinge at the waist and lean forward at a 45-degree angle. Please avoid arching your back. Squat down by bending your elbows. Continue to come down until your triceps are parallel to the floor. As you pull back up to your initial position, maintain a strong grip with your elbows.

4) One-arm overhead extension

A key advantage of this triceps exercise is that it allows you to efficiently target the long head of the triceps.


Grab a weight with one hand while standing or sitting completely straight on an exercise bench. Lift your elbow-bent arm behind your head while holding the dumbbell. Reach straight up with your arm while extending your elbow. Ten reps with one arm, then transfer to the other to complete the set. When lifting the weight overhead, especially if you’re doing this exercise while standing, keep your abdominal muscles engaged to protect your lower back.

  1. Triceps kickback

This is one of the most effective triceps exercises with dumbbells. The weight must be moved up and down by leaning forward and working directly against gravity. The key to this motion is to stretch your forearm behind you while using your shoulder to stabilize the upper arm.


Hold the weight to your right side, start by bending your knees gently and leaning forward a little. Bring the weight into the middle by bending your lower arm and raising your upper arm until it is parallel to your torso. Put your weight behind your back in the style of a ski pole by completely straightening your arm. Repeat on the left, then go back to where you were and perform the required number of reps.

6) Rope pushdown

This triceps exercise is normally performed on a cable machine with a rope attachment. Use a resistance band alternatively. Tie a loose knot approximately halfway down the band and fasten it to the top of the doorway.


Holding the rope near the knotted ends while using a cable machine with a rope attachment will help you start the workout with elbows that are roughly 90 degrees bent. The elbows should be close to the torso. As you tighten your triceps, extend your arms, bring your hands to the floor, and slightly spread the rope out to either side. Restart at the beginning with the forearms.

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