Stretching should be a regular component of your training regimen because it can help you swim more effectively. It should be done both after swimming to loosen up any tight muscles, and as a home workout session to increase your flexibility in the water.

Thus, before entering the water, it is critical to learn the best stretching exercises for swimmers.

Best Stretching Exercises for Swimmers

Spend some time doing these six crucial stretching exercises for swimmers before your next swim. Warm-up stretches help relax the muscles and increase circulation throughout the body.

1) Elbow overhead stretch

The muscles around your armpit are frequently used when swimming. Therefore, it is essential to include elbow overhead stretches in the list of stretching exercises for swimmers.

Here is how to do it:

Your elbow should be pointing straight up, and your right hand should be behind your head. Put your left hand on the inside of your right elbow. With your left hand, pull inward on your right elbow. Stay in this position. Repeat after changing arms.

2) Wall press

It is never easy to stretch the front of your shoulder. Accessing those difficult-to-reach muscles is made easy with the wall push. Thus, including wall pushes are an excellent addition to stretching exercises for swimmers.

To perform a decent wall press, follow these steps:

Lean your right-hand shoulder-height against a wall. Put your palm on the wall with your thumb pointing up. Flex your right elbow slightly. Turn your body away from the wall by turning it to the left. Keep this posture. Repeat after changing arms.

3) Pretzel stretch

You use your buttocks a lot while swimming. Additionally, you use it each and every time you push against a wall. Pretzel stretches are one of the best stretching exercises for swimmers, and strengthen your buttocks as well.

Here is how to do it:

Take a seat on the ground. With your right leg bent, plant your foot flat on the floor. Raise your left leg and rest it on your right thigh with your ankle on the right. Disengage your left knee from your body. Move your right foot closer to your hips if you’re having trouble feeling the stretch. Maintain this posture. After that, change your legs and repeat.

4) Butterfly stretch

Groin injuries are fairly common in swimming, particularly in breaststroke. Make sure to stretch your groin and inner thighs thoroughly to help prevent injuries. Butterfly stretches are one of the finest stretching exercises for swimmers to prevent inner thigh injuries.

Here is how to do it:

Sit upright on the ground. Kneel down and let your calves hang out against the ground. Squeeze your feet together from the soles. Maintain contact between your feet. Apply pressure on your knees for a deeper stretch.

5) Wall lean

This is one of the best stretching exercises for swimmers. Wall leans are a terrific method to relax your calves when you experience a searing sensation.

Here is how to lean against a wall:

Place your hands around shoulder height on the wall. Your hands should remain shoulder-width apart. Lean against the wall and look at it. Reposition your right foot as far back as it can go without strain. Plant the bottom with your right heel. Maintain a straight right leg. Maintain this posture. Next, swap the legs and do it again.

6) Arm circles

To avoid hurting or damaging your shoulder joints, perform arm circles, which are also a fantastic stretching exercise for swimmers.

Here is how to do it:

Take a straight stance and spread your arms out to the sides. Then begin pushing them forward in little circles that get bigger as you go. After around 30 seconds, pause. Repeat as you extend your arms back.

These stretching exercises for swimmers easily target the challenging muscles necessary for excellent swimming. Your shoulders, hips, chest, and legs will become more flexible and mobile as a result of each stretch. You will be more effective in the water if you work to stretch and warm up these important body parts.

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