To get into this state, one must drastically reduce their carbohydrate intake and should focus on having foods that are rich in fat content. Ideally, 70% of the total calorie intake should come from fat.

However, keep in mind that one should include enough variety in their diest such that there is no deficiency of any essential nutrients. Let us dive in deeper and look closer at the six foods that you must include in your keto diet program.

Note: Few people face difficulties while shifting to a keto diet and may face side-effects such as nausea, tiredness or constipation. If you feel so, it is recommended that you get off the diet and visit a doctor.

#1 Eggs

Benefits: Eggs are a complete source of protein as they contain all the essential amino acids required by the body. Being a good source of protein, eggs are very effective in building muscles, strengthening bones and recovery. Additionally, they aid in reducing the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

Nutrients: One large egg contains around 80 calories of energy along with 5 grams of fat. They are also a very good source of iron, copper and zinc along with vitamins D, B12, B5 and A.

Also, read What is Ketogenic Diet?

Quantity to be taken: 2 eggs per day.

#2 Yoghurt

Benefits: Yoghurt contains tonnes of probiotics, which are quintessential for maintaining good digestive health. Additionally, yoghurt helps in improving the calcium, making it a great food for recovery.

Nutrients: 100 grams of plain Greek yoghurt contains around 160 calories of energy along with 23 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat. It also contains good amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamins A, B6 and B12.

Quantity to be taken: 1 cup (200 ml) per day.

#3 Spinach

Spinach is often termed as one of the most important vegetables required by the human body due to its nutritional benefits.

Benefits: Being a rich source of dietary fibre, spinach is very effective in improving digestion. Furthermore, this green leafy vegetable greatly aids in controlling blood pressure and maintaining cardiovascular health. Studies have even shown that having Spinach on a regular basis reduces the risk of cancer.

Nutrients: Spinach is a low-calorie food and contains less than 25 calories per 100 grams. Additionally, the food contains very small quantities of carbohydrates and protein. Spinach is rich in dietary fibre and contains loads of calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamins A, C and K1.

Quantity to be taken: 1 cup per day.

Alternatives: Broccoli, Kale.

#4 Walnuts

Benefits: Walnuts contain good quantities of Omega-3 fatty acids that are quintessential for maintaining good cardiovascular health. With high quantities of potassium, this food is also very effective in sustaining bone health.

Nutrients: 100 grams of walnuts contain around 650 calories of energy and 65 grams of fat while containing only 14 grams of carbohydrates. Furthermore, walnuts are very rich sources of iron, magnesium and potassium along with vitamin B6.

Quantity to be taken: 1 cup per day.

Alternatives: Brazil nuts.

#5 Blueberries

Fruits are natural sources of sugar and must be kept to a minimum while on a keto diet. However, berries, especially blueberries are low on sugars, making them an ideal low-carb food.

Benefits: Having blueberries on a regular basis reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular ailments. Additionally, blueberries are very effective in lowering blood pressure and maintaining bone health.

Nutrients: 100 grams of blueberries contain 57 calories of energy along with 2.4 grams of dietary fibre. It contains around 10 grams of sugars but is a lot less than other fruits such as bananas and apples. Moreover, it is a rich source of potassium and magnesium along with vitamins A, C and B6.

Quantity to be taken: 1 cup of low-carb fruit per day.

Alternatives: Raspberries.

#6 Seafood

All types of seafood contain low quantities of carbohydrates, making them a great food for your ketogenic diet.

Benefits: Seafood is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the proper functioning of the heart, eyes and brain. Additionally, few studies have shown that regular consumption of seafood could boost immunity.

Nutrients: Salmon is the go-to food for many who are on a keto diet as 100 grams of Salmon contains just over 200 calories of energy while containing 13 grams of fat and 20 grams of protein. Moreover, it is a good source of potassium and magnesium along with vitamins B6 and B12.

Quantity to be taken: Have at least two seafood meals every week.

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