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Genshin Impact is a single-player game that features Co-op for players to enjoy exploring the map together. Currently, the game doesn’t have any kind of PVP. While some players ask for PVP to be implemented into the game, the majority of Genshin Impact’s fanbase is against the idea.
This list is a small experiment to dive into that PVP feel and provoke readers’ imagination by creating scenarios that are most likely never going to happen in Genshin Impact. The power of each character is not determined by their in-game abilities, rather by their strength in the lore.
7 Xiao
Xiao’s age is unknown to humans. Some say he lived for over two thousand years, which means he participated in the Archon war. To show his gratitude for Morax after the war, he served as one of his Yakshas to evict all evil from Liyue. A war that can’t be won.
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It’s clear why Xiao would win against Diluc if they ever clash. Although Diluc is one of the strongest characters in Mondstadt, he still lacks way too much power to meet eye-to-eye with a character that puts fear into any God’s eyes.
6 Childe
All the characters on this list will most likely never fight against Diluc, except for Childe. Tartaglia has the urge to battle and the stronger his opponent is, the more excited he becomes. He is one of the deadliest warriors in Teyvat, not caring about anything except the Tsaritsa’s will. For example, Childe summoned Osial without any doubt, an ancient God and a sea monster capable of erasing a city like Liyue from existence.
While Diluc is obsessed with the Abyss, This deadly swordmaster was trained by an unknown woman in the Abyss for three consecutive months. Afterward, he became a Fatui Harbinger and earned his own Delusion. Childe and Diluc’s power may be on par, but Childe easily has a better driving force than Diluc, making Childe a contender to win against the Darknight.
5 Kazuha
Kaedehara Kazuha’s story was simple but told the players a lot. Having a bounty on his head and an army on his tail, the wandering samurai has gone through a lot of suffering in a short period of time. Both Diluc and Kazuha lost dear people, but each reacted differently. Diluc dwelt in his regret and anger like a child throwing a tantrum. He gave up his vision and traveled all over Teyvat seeking revenge for his father’s death. Only when he came close to death, he matured and realized his shortcomings, returned to Mondstadt, and became the Darknight Hero known today.
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On the other hand, Kazuha came face to face with the Raiden Shogun to steal his friend’s dying vision. Kazuha didn’t give up to his anger or fall into regrets. He remained focused and walked his path calmly. Additionally, in recent events, Kazuha clashed swords with the Raiden Shogun herself in a fierce battle and saved the Traveler from a deadly attack. He even won the brief clash against her, proving that Kazuha has one of the strongest wills in Teyvat.
4 Ganyu
When looking at Rex Lapis’ roster, it becomes easy to understand how he is considered one of the strongest Archons. One of Morax’s devoted servants is a half-human, half-illuminated beast who goes by the name Ganyu.
Little Miss Ganyu answered Rex Lapis’ call for war and participated in the Archon War and fought alongside him without a vision. Showing her great power and combat skills. The Archon War was brutal and terrifying. Gods battling gods with attacks that may erase mountains or change the shape of lands. While the Qilin are naturally against violence, It’s hard to believe that Diluc can win against Ganyu if they ever faced off.
3 Varka
One of the most powerful characters in Mondstadt. Little is known about him, but from other characters’ opinions, it shows that Varka is a legendary fighter with a giant figure. Even Childe calls him a titan and wishes that one day he could fight against him. Eula states that she sparred with him once and she could easily notice he was holding back.
When asked about Varka, Diluc gets nervous and tries to end the subject as quickly as possible, before he says something he might regret. With the experience of countless expeditions, strong figures, and will, and the legendary combat skills everyone speaks of, it is hard for Diluc to win a fight like that.
2 Alice
Alice is an interesting character. Like Varka, little is known about her too. But from what is mentioned so far, she appears to be extremely knowledgeable and strong. Klee’s mother is talented in a lot of fields. For example, she is the one that taught Klee how to make bombs. She also has knowledge in Alchemy, medicines, science, engineering, and is most known to be a powerful mage.
Albedo calls Alice a “near-omnipotent sorceress,” despite being a prodigious Alchemist himself. Meanwhile, Diluc states that only Alice is capable of pulling off the events of the Golden Apple Archipelago. With that knowledge and experience, Diluc doesn’t stand a chance against Alice.
1 Honorable Mention: The Archons
The seven Archons are the strongest in all of Teyvat. A battle between two Archons would change the course of time. They’re so strong, their nation’s climate is affected by their Elemental powers. Diluc would definitely lose a fight against any of the current Archons.
Genshin Impact releases on September 28 for Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version in development.
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